2009 Copyright Salina Massage for Health
Ashiatsu is an ancient form of barefoot massage that uses the feet of the therapist to apply deep, luxurious, pain-free compression strokes to the body. Ashi means "foot" and atsu means"foot pressure".
Ashiatsu originated in Kerala, India. Ashiatsu allows the Therapist to utilize gravity-assisted pressure using their body weight, while their feet glide effortlessly over the contours of the patients body to give a well-kneaded deep tissue massage.
This massage is beneificial to the patient as it brings about postural alignment, increased circulation, and relief of sore muscles. It feels great! The foot feels like a giant hand. Ashiatsu is ideal for the relief of sore and overused muscles incurred in professions that build up stress.
Ask your therapist if Ashiatsu would be beneficial for you.